Unable to install packages through the Python Console

I’m trying to install the pandas package through the Python console in Slicer. I’m running Slicer 5.8 in macOS Sequoia 15.3

from slicer.util import pip_install

shows me this output:

error: Application is NOT executable [/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/bin/./python-real]
PythonSlicer [options]

–launcher-help Display help
–launcher-version Show launcher version information
–launcher-verbose Verbose mode
–launch Specify the application to launch
–launcher-detach Launcher will NOT wait for the application to finish
–launcher-no-splash Hide launcher splash
–launcher-timeout Specify the time in second before the launcher kills the application. -1 means no timeout (default: -1)
–launcher-load-environment Specify the saved environment to load.
–launcher-dump-environment Launcher will print environment variables to be set, then exit
–launcher-show-set-environment-commands Launcher will print commands suitable for setting the parent environment (i.e. using ‘eval’ in a POSIX shell), then exit
–launcher-additional-settings Additional settings file to consider
–launcher-additional-settings-exclude-groups Comma separated list of settings groups that should NOT be overwritten by values in User and Additional settings. For example: General,Application,ExtraApplicationToLaunch
–launcher-ignore-user-additional-settings Ignore additional user settings
–launcher-generate-exec-wrapper-script Generate executable wrapper script allowing to set the environment
–launcher-generate-template Generate an example of setting file
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
File “/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/bin/Python/slicer/util.py”, line 3942, in pip_install
_executePythonModule(“pip”, args)
File “/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/bin/Python/slicer/util.py”, line 3896, in _executePythonModule
File “/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/bin/Python/slicer/util.py”, line 3862, in logProcessOutput
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, proc.args, output=proc.stdout, stderr=proc.stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[’/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/bin/…/bin/PythonSlicer’, ‘-m’, ‘pip’, ‘install’, ‘pandas’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.

Solved it by changing App Management in the Security settings.