Video recording of segmentation / 3D rendering

i would love if instead of only taking screen shot , that id be able to video record in swirling and rotation .

i do that with screen recording using quick time , having that integrated would be great

You can do that with the screen capture module or with Animator (if you install SlicerMorph extension).


Do you have a good tutorial for animator , it looks very exciting

If you scroll down in the help page above, you will see the tutorial link.

Edited: If you are looking for something “inbuilt” - I usually use Slicers “Screen Capture” function - produces excellent videos


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Minor correction. Module’s name is Screen Capture

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is it possible to use segments instead of volume property for the animator ?

You can use segments, however you might as well use the core Screen Capture module since Volume Rendering or the ROI actions will not applicable to segments.

It would be great if the effect is applicable to segments instead of only volume .

What do you mean? What animations would you like to create?

Note that unlike volume rendering, segmentation can be exported to OBJ file that can be animated in very sophisticated ways in Blender or other 3D modeling and animation software.

Another option is to adjust Animator module to also modify segmentation display properties. It is just a Python scripted module, so all you need is a text editor to modify it (you can find path to the script in Module finder - Ctrl + F).