vmtkbranchclipper error:vtkFloatArray

I’m trying to follow the guide ‘Mapping and Patching’ on vmtk (Mapping and Patching | vmtk - the Vascular Modelling Toolkit).
When I run the the code 'vmtkbranchclipper -ifile aorta.vtp -centerlinesfile aorta_cl.vtp -groupidsarray GroupIds -radiusarray MaximumInscribedSphereRadius -blankingarray Blanking -ofile aorta_clipped.vtp` I recive this error
‘ERROR: In …/Common/Core/vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate.txx, line 333
vtkFloatArray (0x600002d9e3a0): Source array too small, requested tuple at index 96107, but there are only 96107 tuples in the array.’
The command gives back a result, but I’m not sure that this problem doesn’t affect the next steps.
I tried to ignore it but I couldn’t get results in the next steps.

Has anyone had the same problem? Thank you in advance