Hello everyone,
I am trying to programmatically render a volume of a tumor in Python using the VolumeRendering class. There are four features (labels 1-4) that should each be associated with a unique color. I used a slightly modified version of the parametricVolumeProperty() function from the ShaderComputation module (ttps://github.com/pieper/CommonGL/blob/master/ShaderComputation/ShaderComputation.py) in order to obtain the color transfer function and apply it to a display node, however, the result is relatively low quality and only two features are colored correctly. Is there an alternate way to accomplish this? Or is there an error in my implementation of these classes? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
~ Carrie Kuzio
Link to GitHub repository: https://github.com/visionlabodu/SlicerBrainTumorSegmentation
The relevant functions are copied below:
def render_volume(self, image_shape, output_array, output_volume=None, ret=False):
"""Render the prediction volume
# Create output volume
if output_volume is None: # Check for existing file
output_volume = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass( # Add new node
output_volume.SetName("outputVolume") # Set name for output volume
# Update volume from prediction
image_data = vtk.vtkImageData()
image_data.AllocateScalars(vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 1)
slicer.util.updateVolumeFromArray(output_volume, output_array)
# Create a volume property node
volumePropertyNode = slicer.vtkMRMLVolumePropertyNode()
volumePropertyNode.SetName(output_volume.GetName() + '-VP')
# Create functions for gradient and scalar opacity of the volume property node
scalarOpacity = vtk.vtkPiecewiseFunction()
gradientOpacity = vtk.vtkPiecewiseFunction()
slicer.mrmlScene.AddNode(volumePropertyNode) # Add the node to scene
# Create the display node and give it the volume property
displayNode = slicer.vtkMRMLGPURayCastVolumeRenderingDisplayNode()
displayNode.SetName(output_volume.GetName() + '-VR')
slicer.mrmlScene.AddNode(displayNode) # Add the display node to scene
# Call function to create the color, gradient, and opacity transfer functions
self.parametricVolumeProperty(output_volume, displayNode)
if ret is not False:
return output_volume
def parametricVolumeProperty(self, volumeNode, displayNode, color_maps=None):
"""Guess the transfer function based on the volume data
See https://github.com/pieper/CommonGL/blob/master/ShaderComputation/ShaderComputation.py
# Create default color map
if color_maps is None:
color_maps = {"necrosis": (.847, .749, .847),
"edema": (.549, .8784, .8941),
"non-enhanced": (0.721, 0.670, 0.929),
"enhanced": (0.686, 0.929, 0.670)}
# Create the volume property node
volumePropertyNode = slicer.util.getNode(displayNode.GetVolumePropertyNodeID())
# Create the scalar range for scalar and gradient opacity
scalarRange = volumeNode.GetImageData().GetScalarRange()
rangeWidth = scalarRange[1] - scalarRange[0]
rangeCenter = scalarRange[0] + rangeWidth * 0.5
# Set the scalar opacity
scalarOpacityPoints = ((scalarRange[0], 0.),
(rangeCenter - 0.1 * rangeWidth, 0.),
(rangeCenter + 0.1 * rangeWidth, 1.),
(scalarRange[1], 1.))
scalarOpacity = volumePropertyNode.GetScalarOpacity()
# Add scalar opacity points to volume property node scalar opacity
for point in scalarOpacityPoints:
# Set the gradient opacity
gradientOpacityPoints = (
(0, .2),
(rangeCenter - 0.1 * rangeWidth, .4),
(rangeCenter - 0.09 * rangeWidth, 1.),
(rangeCenter + 0.09 * rangeWidth, 1.),
(rangeCenter + 0.1 * rangeWidth, 1.),
(scalarRange[1], .7) )
gradientOpacity = volumePropertyNode.GetGradientOpacity()
# Add gradient opacity points to volume property node gradient opacity
for point in gradientOpacityPoints:
# Assign intensity to corresponding color from color map to create color transfer function
colorPoints = ((1, color_maps["necrosis"]),
(2, color_maps["edema"]),
(3, color_maps["non-enhanced"]),
(4, color_maps["enhanced"]))
colorTransfer = volumePropertyNode.GetColor()
# Add color transfer function volume property node
for intensity, rgb in colorPoints:
colorTransfer.AddRGBPoint(intensity, *rgb)