What happens encountering `transitional vertebrae` when segmenting the spine in `TotalSegmentator`?

What happens when encountering transitional vertebrae when segmenting the spine in TotalSegmentator?

From vert519

How to handle this situation? Who has good advice?

There is no automated method that works perfectly all the time. Even if the algorithm works perfectly for 99% of the cases, you still need to allow users to perform manually corrections. In medical imaging, 95% is a commonly accepted success rate, so manual corrections/overrides are very important.

If you have a segmentation step in your workflow then you normally allow users to interactively inspect segmentation results and make manual correction as needed. You can simply add a Segment Editor widget in a collapsible section, or you can created a simplified GUI (for example, a few buttons and maybe a segment selector that allow users to hightlight a region in 3D using Scissors tool and move the designated region to another segment).

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