Why can't my engrave function be apply?

Hello, why can’t my engrave function be apply? I tried several versions of it. Is there anything wrong?

I think you need to click on the engrave option then click apply

@mau_igna_06 is right that you need to click the Apply button, but in the latest Slicer version the effect is indeed does not work well because the default plane placement mode was changed from 3-point to single-point. I’ll submit a fix today.

Would it be possible to have an option to change the default plane placement mode? Like setting the markup glpyh and colors as a preference (Save To Defaults, Restore Defaults).

Change the default plane type could be used as a workaround, but the single-point mode is much more powerful and flexible than the 3-point mode.

I’ve updated the Engrave effect in SegmentEditorExtraEffects extension and it is now very easy to resize and reposition the text:

I updated segmenteditorextraeffects, but I still can’t click apply because I’m in China and haven’t updated it?

You need to wait a few more hours for the SegmentEditorExtraEffects git719b242 version to appear on the dashboard:

Thank you very much. It has been solved.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Engraving with SegmentEditorExtraEffects