Wrong order of slices when reading enhanced multi-frame MRI containing 3 image stacks

@Chris_Rorden has implemented a quick workaround in his dcm2niix tool. It will be available for latest Slicer Preview Release and in the latest Slicer Stable Release from tomorrow. You need to disable the default DICOM scalar volume reader plugin to make the dcm2niix plugin used by default:

The change in the dcm2niix tool may not be permanent, so please report the DICOM non-conformance error to your scanner manufacturer (sending them the Incorrect 3D reconstruction for enhanced multi-frame MRI · Issue #839 · rordenlab/dcm2niix · GitHub link should be sufficient).

I’ll comment on the DCE-MRI loading in that topic. In both cases the issue is that the new enhanced mult-frame MRI format is used, which is not well supported by most tools, including Slicer, as we have not encountered such images before. The issue is further complicated by Bruker’s implementation not fully following the DICOM standard.