2018.10.30 Hangout

Meeting notes:

  • @smrolfe joined us and asked question related to Markups Module enhancements - #2 by danagood

    • from @lassoan:
      • For each handle, an actor is created. We work well up to 100th of points. For thousand of points, the handle widget approach doesn’t scale well.
      • We are working on a revamped infrastructure but this is not ready. In the mean time, implementing small improvements is the way to go. Then, we can still integrate the approach into the updated infrastructure.
  • documentation

  • Transition to GitHub

    • (1) we plan on creating an other repository (e.g Slicer-Archive ) that would have the unmodified history for future reference.
    • (2) we will move current data files to data.kitware.com and other mirror to allow content-addressable download.
    • (3) we will trim the current Slicer/Slicer repo to remove large data. See list of 350th largest files (generated using this script)
  • Transition Issue tracker:
    • after transitioning to GitHub (see above), new issues will be added to GitHub and user will be cased to do so.
    • existing issue would be manually “transferred” to GitHub on a case-by-case.
    • we would not spend time migrating existing issues.