2024.08.06 Weekly Meeting

Tomorrow, we will be having our next weekly hangout at 10:00 AM ET until 11:00 AM ET

Anyone is welcome to join at this link: https://bit.ly/slicer-googlemeet-hosted-by-kitware


Please post to this thread to put a topic on the agenda! We will try to prioritize agenda items during the meeting.

Sam and J-Christophe

Unfortunately I’m double-booked tomorrow and will miss the meeting. Looking forward to catching up next week.

Updates and discussions on the SlicerSOFA project:

  • New simulation example: Spine deformation PR
  • Transferring testing data from RafaelPalomar/SlicerSOFATestingData to Slicer/SlicerSOFA (@RafaelPalomar needs a temporary key to upload the data to github)
  • Update on extension release status (@jcfr)
  • Should we think about a ParameterNode wrapper supporting class hierarchies?
  • Should the SlicerSofaLogic provide some functionality to manage sequences in connection with the sequences module?
  • SlicerSOFA article

Hello all –
I put a new batch of icons for slice viewer UI into github. Here’s a light theme mockup and will post the same on Slicer discourse too. I’ll see you at the meeting today to ask for clarity about UI element functionality on slice viewers and editors. --cheers!

I would really like to further simplify the appearance of these, if you think it isn’t too much of a deviation from users’ expectation and understanding of the current Slicer…

Call is up now if people tried to join earlier