2024.08.27 Weekly Meeting

Tomorrow, we will be having our next weekly hangout at 10:00 AM ET until 11:00 AM ET

Anyone is welcome to join at this link: https://bit.ly/slicer-googlemeet-hosted-by-kitware


Please post to this thread to put a topic on the agenda! We will try to prioritize agenda items during the meeting.

Sam and J-Christophe

Hi All,
If there’s time for this tomorrow, we can discuss the latest versions of icons for slice viewer. Two versions to choose between or adjust. These incorporate the excellent comments/suggestions including symbolics discussed in last review.

Some pix below of V2 and V3 in both dark and light themes:
Light V2:

Light V3:

Dark V2:


1 Like

Also one slice viewer mockup for V2 and V3 with icons in place.


Meeting Notes


  • Save/Restore Slicer States

    • Implement a listener for the workstation’s “shutdown” signal to prompt the user to save their work.
    • Explore options for restoring the Slicer state upon restoring session.
  • GitHub App: morphodepot-auth-app

    • Store the App ID and Private Key on the instance.
    • Provide a small script for token regeneration.

New Icons Design

  • Slicer Slice Viewer Icons
    • Notes on the new icon designs can be found here.

SOFA Progress

  • Meeting with Paul Baksick and Paul Scheikl
    • Steve and Rafael discussed implementing new prefab templates for physical simulations. These templates will be adaptable for use in SlicerSOFA and other Python environments.


  • Weekly Information Upload
    • Ongoing efforts to gather details about the weekly data upload process.