Tomorrow, we will be having our next weekly hangout at 11:00 AM ET until 12:00 PM ET,AFTER the Project Week Prep Call. We will be reusing the same link from the Project Week call.
I would like to discuss the Slicer GitHub organization housing the light-the-torch repository to facilitate continued maintenance and support by the Slicer community. This python package is utilized by the SlicerPyTorch extension which is currently used by 14 Slicer extensions and growing. The original author of light-the-torch has acknowledged that the python package has become a bit of a burden and that he is no longer an active user of the python package. He is willing to transfer the repository to the Slicer community so that Slicer developers can lead the maintenance for the project. Details are available at light-the-torch future maintenance discussion · Issue #152 · pmeier/light-the-torch · GitHub.