What is described in that post is applicable here, too. You can compute the number of points as: CurveLength / 0.2 + 1. If having less control points does not allow reproducing the curve shape with sufficient accuracy then you can use a smaller distance, such as DesiredDistance/N, and then use every N-th point.
You can of also get points at any distance along the curve using Python scripting. For example to get the 5th point with 0.2mm sampling distance:
distance = 0.2 * 5
pointPosition = [0, 0, 0] # this will store the result
startingPointIndex = 0
getNode('OC').GetPositionAlongCurveWorld(pointPosition, startingPointIndex, distance)
It’s a python function. Another example: getNode(‘mycurve’).ResampleCurveWorld(1) will take your curve named ‘mycurve’ and resample it so points are 1 mm apart