4.11 Module panel is too wide and won't resize


My 4.11 version keeps the module panel window at the same size, convering the 2/3 of my screen.

I guess I should use the 4.10 instead…

Is this only when viewing a specific module in the left panel area? What does the volumes module look like? Can you provide a screenshot?

Do you have very long node names? I only encountered that issue when the node names are too long, which module panel expands automatically to accommodate.

Can you post a screenshot?


VERSION : 4.11

I encountered the same problem. For me 3Dslicer is very hard to use on my laptop.
the module panel window is fixed size, convering the 2/3 of my screen, and i can’t resize it smaller to the Left.

I have a small 13 inches screen.

Here a screenshot:

Can you please give me an hint why it’s doing this ?

Thank you

You can scale the text/button sizes of Slicer many ways:

  • Reduce font size in Slicer in menu: Edit / Application settings / Appearance / Font and size
  • Reduce the font scaling by running set QT_SCALE_FACTOR=0.5 in the command console and then starting Slicer in that console (you can make this permanent by adding this to your environment variables or creating a .bat file that sets this and then starts Slicer)
  • You can adjust text scaling settings on your computer
  • Drag-and-drop the module panel to a second monitor

Dear @lassoan,
Just reducing the font size is not enough for me. I typed the set QT_SCALE_FACTOR=0.5 command and it returned an error. I’m using version 5.0.2. Could you take a look at it? Thank you very much.

You entered the command in Slicer’s Python console instead, which uses a different syntax, and setting the environment variable after the application has started is too late anyway.

Instead, the environment variable has to be set in the command terminal in Windows, before starting Slicer.

An even simpler method is to add QT_SCALE_FACTOR=0.5 in the [EnvironmentVariables] section of the SlicerLauncherSettings.ini file (in the bin subfolder of the application):

Thank you for the clarification. I will try it.