Announcements category traffic?

Currently the feature tag indicates that we write about a new feature. This allows people to get notified if they are interested (you can set up alerts for topics with certain tags).
I think we add features frequently enough that the announcements category might get too much traffic, but I’m not sure.

Depends on what kind of news the community considers an Announcement. If we consider the Announcements wiki page, about which I had the feeling was considered underused (we were asked a few times to add this and that), then I think this qualifies (looking at improved startup time, DCMTK updata, etc.).

FWIW, 1-2 posts/wk in Announcements feels reasonable to me. I don’t think we’re going to average much more than that in the foreseeable future. If it is a problem we could collect them with the feature tag and batch weekly or so.