Build Slicer Failed with VTK9 Wrapper Error

Build Command :

cmake.exe ^
  -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" ^
  -A x64 ^
  -DQt5_DIR:PATH=C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\lib\cmake\Qt5  ^
  -DSlicer_USE_QtTesting=OFF   ^

and then

cmake.exe  --build  .  --conifg Debug
 WrappingTools.vcxproj -> C:\SDR\VTK-build\bin\Debug\vtkWrappingTools-9.1d.dll
    WrapHierarchy.vcxproj -> C:\SDR\VTK-build\bin\Debug\vtkWrapHierarchy-9.1d.exe
    Generating the wrap hierarchy for VTK::CommonCore
    vtkWrapHierarchy-9.1d.exe: In C:/SDR/VTK/Common/Core/vtkArrayIteratorIncludes.h:44: syntax error.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(247,5):
error MSB8066: “C:\SDR\VTK-build\CMakeFiles\1cfbdef9874d7fdc273814d48bd74a5b\vtkCommonCore-hierarchy.txt.rule;C:\SDR\VT
K-build\CMakeFiles\df4d66c3f6286a66ff3e7e6450b91535\vtkCommonCore-hierarchy.rule”的自定义生成已退出,代码为 1。 [C:\SDR\VTK-build\Com
mon\Core\vtkCommonCore-hierarchy.vcxproj] [C:\SDR\VTK.vcxproj]
    Interaction.vcxproj -> C:\SDR\VTK-build\bin\Debug\vtkInteraction-9.1d.dll
    ViewsCore-objects.vcxproj -> C:\SDR\VTK-build\Views\Core\ViewsCore-objects.dir\Debug\ViewsCore-objects.lib
    ViewsContext2D-objects.vcxproj -> C:\SDR\VTK-build\Views\Context2D\ViewsContext2D-objects.dir\Debug\ViewsContext2D-
    sqlitebin.vcxproj -> C:\SDR\VTK-build\bin\Debug\sqlitebin-9.1d.exe
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(247,5):
error MSB8066: “C:\SDR\CMakeFiles\0ca0d5233e679e5f621ec3684d706eb7\VTK-update.rule;C:\SDR\CMakeFiles\0ca0d5233e679e5f62
eb0\VTK-complete.rule;C:\SDR\CMakeFiles\a93f313db68a08233b06795067f443c0\VTK.rule”的自定义生成已退出,代码为 1。 [C:\SDR\VTK.vcxproj]

To help understand the command and associated errors, I edited your text to use both backquotes [1] and ^ to split windows command.

Could you indicate which version of Slicer you are attempt to build ?

  1. Select the programming language used in code blocks - users - Discourse Meta ↩︎

Thank U . Slice Version is v5.2.1 . a builted vtk9.1 without python-wrapper in system environment variable path. is conflict with ?

I run command with admin privileges.

If you have shared libraries in a folder that is in your system PATH environment variable then anything can happen, including build and/or runtime failure of any application. Therefore, the system PATH environment variable should be kept clean - there are several alternative ways to make utilities conveniently available, for example using App Paths registry key.

Confusing entries in the system PATH might have corrupted your build. So after removing all non-system paths from your PATH I would recommend to delete the entire Slicer build folder and restart the build from scratch. I would also recommend putting your build commands into a .bat file to allow (re)building Slicer anytime by a single click.