Can I convert this arrays in slicer?

I want to creat a volume by and I need convert the data of ‘bb’ to ‘a’ in slicer quickly.


array([[[[ 70, 95, 109],
[ 72, 97, 112],
[ 71, 96, 110],
[ 30, 35, 42],
[ 28, 36, 40],
[ 27, 35, 39]]]], dtype=uint8)


(1L, 480L, 640L, 3L)

this is my finally data ‘a’


(1L, 480L, 640L, 3L)


array([[[[109, 95, 70],
[112, 97, 72],
[110, 96, 71],
[ 42, 35, 30],
[ 40, 36, 28],
[ 39, 35, 27]]]], dtype=uint8

You can set content of a numpy array into a volume node by calling slicer.util.updateVolumeFromArray. See complete example in the script repository.