Can the robot be shown as its actual physical size?

Hello guys ,today I try to configuration my own robot in slicer with transforms module. And the configuration has finished and I can simulate rotation around each joint by receive the transform from MATLAB code. The below GIF can see the result of my simulate.
But the big problem is each part link of STL files uses m as coordinate system units which is not the Slicer units mm[I don’t know how to change the robot unit becuase the robot stl files download from the flexiv robotic company website]. When I load a MRI image to slicer and use the Volume Rendering module,because the robot is too tiny size the MRI model direct covered the robot.
So i just wonder if the 3D slicer can rescale the robot size to the actual physical size without change the configuration.
Hope someone can help me with this,

If you are certain, simply create a linear transform with first three diagonal elements set to 1000 1000 1000 (mm to meters scaling), and put your robot model under that transform.

Thank you for your kindness reply, and I’m a novice and didn’t understand this usage before. It’s great. It solves my problem.

Can you share the robot model?

Note that there is a new extension - SlicerROS2 - that automatically retrieves the robot model from ROS2 and displays it in real-time in Slicer. See more information here.

Hello, sorry for this delay reply.The robot model from this link: xiaosnowqiang/flexiv_ros2: ROS2 integration of RDK for Flexiv robots. (

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