Changetracker module is not loaded

I am new to Slicer. After I installed the ChangeTracker extension and restarted the program, I could not open it from the module menu. The module menu says “Changetracker module is not loaded”.
Could anyone help me with it?
Thank you

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Thanks for reporting this. I’ve sent a pull request to fix incompatibilities with recent Slicer versions. If the suggested changes get integrated then the extension will be available in the Extensions manager the following day.

Note that Slicer has improved a lot in recent years, therefore there is a good chance you can accomplish the same task using core modules and other extensions (using Segment Editor, Segment Statistics core modules, Segment Registration extension, etc.).

The fix has been integrated, therefore ChangeTracker should be available for latest Slicer Stable Release and latest Slicer Preview Release from tomorrow.

Thank you for the prompt response!

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