Corneal OCT imaging and volume computation

Hello, i’m new to using 3DSlicer and want some advice to know if my project is doable.

I want to use optical coherence tomography of the cornea to estimate the volume of a region of interest. I want to do a manual contouring of the region of interest in each 2D image and use 3D slicer to estimate the volume.

I would like to export images from a CASIA2 ( Tomey ) or Anterion ( Heidelberg engineering).

Does some of have any advices ? Have ever work with this kind of images ?

Thank you for you help.

Yes, these should be all doable in Slicer.

If you install the Sandbox extension then Slicer will be able to load OCT files. By default, only Topcon OCT image (.fda) files are recognized, but by changing this line you can enable other file types as well (for example Heidelberg). You can find the list of all supported formats in the oct-converter project page.

If you provide a sample image (upload to dropbox, onedrive, etc. and post the link here) then we can make sure the Slicer can properly read the file.

Hello, thank you very much for you answer.

I’ve been working on it, i did download sandbox and modify the oct-converter line.

For the anterion i did export it as DICOM file from the device. I manage to open it with slicer but with an error. There is no geometry provided. It’s radial images from the cornea ( and whole anterior segment).

For the CASIA2, despite the sand box i can’t open it. It’s .casia2 files.

Here is a weetransfert with test images

Thank you