Could not find WebEngineProcess.exe

when I debug the Slicer programe,and run the extension manager,make a error “Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe”,how can I address it?

I compile slicer using windows.

On my windows machine I’m not seeing a QtWebEngineProcess.exe bundled with Qt, but it does appear in a PySide2 folder. Did you compile Slicer with PySide2? I didn’t know that was possible.

In any case installing extensions from the extension manager in your local build is not a supported use case since most C++ libraries won’t work across builds. But pure python ones would I guess.

Thank you for replying me,I used the official tutorial to local building.I can’t use PySide2 compiling Slicer

Thank you for replying me,I used the official tutorial to local building.I can’t use PySide2 compiling Slicer

I have a QtWebEngineProcess.exe in both my Qt binary installations on Windows and also in my installed Slicer’s bin directory.

Did you select to install the Qt QWebEngine component when installing Qt?
From Windows — 3D Slicer documentation

Qt5: Download Qt universal installer and install Qt 5.15 components: MSVC2019 64-bit, Qt Script, Qt WebEngine.

Thank you for your reply, I had installed the Qt QWebEngine componet when installing Qt,and I also have a QtWebEngineProcess.exe in both my Qt binary installations on Windows and in Slicer’s bin directory,but I still have the error “Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe”,it may exists the problem of version?

Did your Slicer build finish with errors?

@jamesobutler I am having trouble figuring out how to download Qt5 to be able to build slicer. Do you still need to download from the online installer? I have tried both and am unable to find anything like “\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\lib\cmake\Qt5”. Any help would be appreciated.

Yes, I use Qt 5.15.2. You can download the installer tool from Download Qt: Get Qt Online Installer.

You can read the Slicer build pre-reqs over at Windows — 3D Slicer documentation.

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Hey thank you, for some reason I kept going around in circles on their site… I appreciate it!

How long does it usually take for you to build the app?

In Windows, a full build takes about 6 hours on a desktop, 12 hours on a laptop.

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