Could not load: DICOM


I am not able to load DICOM files from SPECT or CT. They seem to be imported fine, but when I try to load them to Slicer I get the follwing error message: “3d slicer could not load as a scalar volume”. I can not see anything missing in the DICOM tag (copied below). Any ideas about what the problem may be?

0002,0002 Media Storage SOP Class UID: 1.2.840.10008.
0002,0003 Media Storage SOP Inst UID: 1.2.840.113619.2.281.41170.172195628.1542268821.17567462
0002,0010 Transfer Syntax UID: 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
0002,0012 Implementation Class UID: 1.2.840.113619.6.281
0002,0013 Implementation Version Name: Xeleris 4.1170
0002,0016 Source Application Entity Title: UNN-TOS-23888
0008,0005 Specific Character Set: ISO_IR 100
0008,0012 Instance Creation Date: 20181115
0008,0013 Instance Creation Time: 090351.0000
0008,0014 Instance Creator UID: 1.2.840.113619.6.281
0008,0016 SOP Class UID: 1.2.840.10008.
0008,0018 SOP Instance UID: 1.2.840.113619.2.281.41170.172195628.1542268821.17567462
0008,0020 Study Date: 20181101
0008,0021 Series Date: 20181115
0008,0022 Acquisition Date: 20181101
0008,0023 Image Date: 20181115
0008,0030 Study Time: 155643.00
0008,0031 Series Time: 090251.00
0008,0032 Acquisition Time: 161231.00
0008,0033 Image Time: 090251.00
0008,0050 Accession Number:
0008,0060 Modality: OT
0008,0070 Manufacturer: GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
0008,0080 Institution Name: UNN
0008,0090 Referring Physician’s Name:
0008,1010 Station Name: UNN-TOS-23888
0008,1030 Study Description: I131 Helkropp
0008,103E Series Description: 011118-QVolMI-TOMO64-OSEM8it6subNonePF-RR-SC-ACM
0008,1060 Name of Physician(s) Reading Study:
0008,1070 Operator’s Name:
0008,1090 Manufacturer’s Model Name: Tandem_Discovery_670
0009,0010 —: GEMS_GENIE_1
0009,1001 —: GEMS_GENIE
0009,1010 —: I131 Helkropp
0009,1020 —: 011118-QVolMI-TOMO64-OSEM8it6subNonePF-RR-SC-ACM
0009,102E —: 0.0
0009,1033 —: 0.0
0009,1040 —: Fysiker^Tumordosimetri^^^
0009,1045 —: **
0010,0010 Patient’s Name: Fysiker^Tumordosimetri^^^
0010,0020 Patient ID: 111111111
0010,0030 Patient’s Birth Date:
0010,0040 Patient’s Sex: O
0010,1000 Other Patient IDs:
0010,1001 Other Patient Names:
0010,1020 Patient’s Size: 0
0010,1030 Patient’s Weight: 0
0010,2180 Occupation:
0011,0010 —: GEMS_GENIE_1
0011,100D —: I131 SC[364 and 297]
0011,1012 —: TOMO_EM_IRACSCRR
0011,1019 —: 0.0
0011,102C —: 0.0
0011,102D —: 0.0
0011,1030 —: TOMO_EM_IRACSCRR
0011,1031 —: 1.2.840.113619.
0011,1032 —: 1.2.840.113619.
0011,1033 —: **
0011,1034 —: **
0011,1035 —: **
0011,1036 —: **
0011,1037 —: **
0011,103B —: 4.179501533508301
0011,103C —: 0.0
0011,1040 —: current
0011,1042 —: 0.0
0011,1044 —: 2048.0
0011,1045 —: 4096.0
0011,1050 —: TOMO_EM_IRACSCRR
0011,1055 —: 1.0
0011,1056 —: 1.0
0011,1065 —: **
0011,1066 —: **
0011,1073 —: 0.0
0011,1074 —: 0.0
0011,1075 —: 0.0
0011,1079 —: **
0011,107A —: **
0011,107B —: **
0011,107C —: **
0011,107D —: **
0011,107F —: 0.0
0011,1081 —: **
0011,1082 —: 0.0
0011,1083 —: 0.0
0011,1084 —: 0.0
0011,1089 —: 0.0
0013,0010 —: GEMS_GENIE_1
0013,1015 —: 0.0
0013,101B —: 0.0
0013,1023 —: **
0015,0010 —: GEMS_GENIE_1
0018,0015 Body Part Examined: BREAST
0018,0050 Slice Thickness: 8.83612
0018,0070 Counts Accumulated: 30538138
0018,0071 Acquisition Termination Condition: TIME
0018,0088 Spacing Between Slices: -8.83612
0018,1000 Device Serial Number: 21211
0018,1020 Software Versions(s): Xeleris 4.1170
0018,1030 Protocol Name: User&Endocrine&I131 Helkropp
0018,1061 Trigger Source or Type: EKG
0018,1243 Count Rate: 18800
0020,000D Study Instance UID: 1.2.840.113619.
0020,000E Series Instance UID: 1.2.840.113619.2.281.41170.172195628.1542268971.8516410
0020,0010 Study ID: I131 Helkropp
0020,0011 Series Number: 13
0020,0013 Image Number: 4
0020,0052 Frame of Reference UID: 1.2.840.113619.
0020,1040 Position Reference Indicator:
0020,4000 Image Comments: $ProcessingParentUID1$1.2.840.113619.$ProcessingParentUID2$1.2.840.113619.$OrgModality:NM$CrystalThickness$3$MultProj$1$ReconCorr$ACSCRR$ReconFilter$None$ReconMethod$OSEM (8x6)
0028,0002 Samples per Pixel: 1
0028,0004 Photometric Interpretation: MONOCHROME2
0028,0008 Number of Frames: 64
0028,0009 Frame Increment Pointer: T €
0028,0010 Rows: 64
0028,0011 Columns: 64
0028,0030 Pixel Spacing: 8.836120\8.836120
0028,0051 Corrected Image: ATTN
0028,0100 Bits Allocated: 16
0028,0101 Bits Stored: 16
0028,0102 High Bit: 15
0028,0103 Pixel Representation: 1
0028,0106 Smallest Image Pixel Value:
0028,0107 Largest Image Pixel Value:
0028,1050 Window Center: 68460.235119
0028,1051 Window Width: 136920.470238
0033,0010 —: GEMS_GENIE_1
0033,0011 —: GEMS_XELPRV_01
0033,1007 —: 1.2.840.113619.2.281.41170.172195628.1542268821.17567462
0054,0011 Number of Energy Windows: 1
0054,0012 Energy Window Information Sequence:
0054,0013 Energy Window Range Sequence:
0054,0014 Energy Window Lower Limit: 327.6
0054,0015 Energy Window Upper Limit: 400.4
0054,0018 Energy Window Name: I131_EM
0054,0016 Radiopharmaceutical Information Sequence:
0018,0031 Radiopharmaceutical: ATTENUATION MAPS
0018,1071 Radionuclide Volume: 0
0018,1074 Radionuclide Total Dose: 0.000000
0054,0300 Radionuclide Code Sequence:
0054,0021 Number of Detectors: 1
0054,0022 Detector Information Sequence:
0018,1120 Gantry/Detector Tilt: 0
0018,1145 Center of Rotation Offset: 0
0018,1147 Field of View Shape:
0018,1149 Field of View Dimensions(s): 0\0
0018,1180 Collimator/grid Name: HEGP
0018,1181 Collimator Type: PARA
0018,1182 Focal Distance: 0
0018,1183 X Focus Center: 0
0018,1184 Y Focus Center: 0
0020,0032 Image Position (Patient): -272.137780-283.937780\278.337780
0020,0037 Image Orientation (Patient): 1.000000\0.000000\0.000000\0.000000\1.000000\0.000000
0028,0031 Zoom Factor: 1.000000\1.000000
0028,0032 Zoom Center: 0.000000\0.000000
0054,0051 Number of Rotations: 1
0054,0052 Rotation Information Sequence:
0018,1130 Table Height: 0
0018,1131 Table Traverse: 980.1
0018,1140 Rotation Direction: CC
0018,1142 Radial Position: 218.917
0018,1143 Scan Arc: 0
0018,1144 Angular Step: 0
0018,1242 Actual Frame Duration: 30000
0054,0053 Number of Frames in Rotation: 1
0054,0200 Start Angle: 179.99
0054,0080 Slice Vector: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
0054,0081 Number of Slices: 64
0054,0202 Type of Detector Motion: STEP AND SHOOT
0054,0400 Image ID: TOMO_EM_IRACSCRR
0054,0410 Patient Orientation Code Sequence:
0008,0100 Code Value: F-10450
0008,0102 Coding Scheme Designator: 99SDM
0008,0104 Code Meaning: recumbent
0054,0412 Patient Orientation Modifier Code Sequence:
0008,0100 Code Value: F-10340
0008,0102 Coding Scheme Designator: 99SDM
0008,0104 Code Meaning: supine
0054,0414 Patient Gantry Relationship Code Sequence:
0008,0100 Code Value: F-10470
0008,0102 Coding Scheme Designator: 99SDM
0008,0104 Code Meaning: headfirst
0055,0010 —: GEMS_GENIE_1
7FE0,0010 Pixel Data: 46572

Width: 565.51 mm (64)
Height: 565.51 mm (64)
Depth: -565.51 mm (64)
Resolution: 0.113 pixels per mm
ID: -2
Coordinate origin: 0,0,0
Bits per pixel: 16 (signed)
Display range: 0 - 32767
Image: 1/64
No Threshold

Calibration Function: y = a+bx
a: -32768.000000
b: 1.000000
Unit: “gray value”
Path: P:\Prosjekter\Slicer testing\Fantom\Skann 1t (11nov)\TOMO_EM_IRACSCRR001_DS.dcm

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