Create a new axial dicom series (8bit RGB) with all the segmentations (or labelmaps) displayed in the Red Slices burned in

Hi there,
I need to create a new axial dicom series (8bit RGB) with all the segmentations (or labelmaps) displayed in the Red Slices “burned in” in a single layer.
I need it to be able to send to the local PACS a single volumetric exam with all the ROIs burned in as a part of the dicom series (tumor, fiber tracking, region activated with functional MRI).
I’m able to do that with Osirix (with the function "Export to dicom files as displayed in 8-bit RGB with ROIs) but I’m not able to do that with Slicer.
I only found the function to export it as a series of png images/videos or DICOM RT files (which unfortunately cannot be displayed in normal DICOM viewer)

thank you very much for your help


Operating system: Mac
Slicer version: 4.10.0

Hi @Michele_Bailo -

There’s no GUI that does that exactly, but with the ScreenCapture module you can get a series of png files and then use img2dcm to make secondary capture images (on a mac you can get dcmtk via homebrew).