Creating and Exporting 2D Bounding Boxes for Each Slice for Deep Learning Training


I am working on annotating medical images (CT & MRI) using 3D Slicer, and I have the following use case:

I need to:

  1. Annotate specific regions of interest by creating 2D bounding boxes on each slice individually.
  2. Extract the 2D coordinates (X, Y) of the 4 corners of each bounding box for future use in training a deep learning model.

Could you please clarify:

  • Is it possible to create 2D bounding boxes per slice in 3D Slicer?
  • How can I extract the 2D coordinates of each bounding box?
  • In what format can these annotations be exported (e.g., JSON, CSV, etc.) to facilitate their use in deep learning pipelines?

Thank you

Yes, that should be quite easy if you are willing to do some python scripting. Otherwise not really.