Creating custom ROI

Hi All

Is there a way that I create a custom shaped ROI, instead of the box. A spherical one.



You can create arbitrarily shaped masks and segments in Segment Editor. You can construct various shapes using VTK sources using a few lines of Python code - see example here. In recent Preview releases you can also create arbitrarily sized spherical markers using Markups module.

Thanks Prof. @lassoan.

I am trying to crop an arbitrary shape. Do you think there is a module that I can combine with crop volume module so that instead of the box ROI I can create a sphere which can be cropped .

I would like to keep it in the same format without segmenting/ stl or obj.


Images are always stored in a rectilinear grid. If you mean you want to blank out part of an image then you can do that in Segment Editor module: define a region using a segment (Paint effect with sphere brush; Scissors effect with sphere shape; etc.) then use Mask volume effect. To get Mask volume effect, install SegmentEditorExtraEffects extension.

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Thanks Prof. @lassoan.

I did install extra effects and it works fine. But say I want to cut out a sphere from the middle, I mask the surrounding image with this. Then can I still keep my middle sphere as a volume rather than a model/stl.

Thanks a lot

Yes. This is what Mask volume is for. It blanks out regions in the volume that is inside or outside the selected segment.

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Thanks Prof @lassoan