.dcm to .obj conversion

How can i convert .dcm to .obj (both 3d colored) in slicer

You need to segment structures that you are interested in. See tutorials about how to do that using Slicer here: https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/Training#Slicer4_Image_Segmentation

Thank you for your reply. But it seems I cant import my .dcm 3D model into slicer by dragging and dropping.

Can you please check the file i need to import and help put https://we.tl/t-emV0N6Qq2h

This file is not in DICOM format at all. It looks like an XML-based file that contains a textured surface scan.

File content summary
<HPS version="1.1">
      <CE version="1.0">
        <Facets facet_count="210785" base64_encoded_bytes="230074" color="8421504">…</Facets>
        <Vertices vertex_count="106388" base64_encoded_bytes="1276656" check_value="1503019551">...</Vertices>
    <TextureSetIDs IndexCount="1" Base64EncodedBytes="4">AAAAAA==</TextureSetIDs>
    <PerVertexTextureCoord Base64EncodedBytes="531980" Key="1">...</PerVertexTextureCoord>
      <TextureImage Width="2048" Height="2048" TextureName="Texture" TextureCoordSet="0" BytesPerPixel="3" Base64EncodedBytes="294270">...</TextureImage>
    <Annotation type="CoordinateTransform">
      <String name="TransformID" value="Focus2FinalTrans" />
      <Matrix4x4 name="TransformMatrix" m00="0.113340572" m01="-0.979611039" m02="0.165879682" m03="27.2143612" m10="-0.981021166" m11="-0.08390312" m12="0.174807817" m13="-6.56699562" m20="-0.157325849" m21="-0.1825443" m22="-0.9705288" m23="-19.03727" m30="0" m31="0" m32="0" m33="1" />
      <Property name="Misc" value="0" />
  <Objects />
  <Splines />
    <Property name="TranscodeProperties" value="EKID;SiteDongle" />
    <Property name="SiteDongle" value="1596591929" />
    <Property name="EKID" value="1" />
    <Property name="Application" value="TRIOS" />
    <Property name="AVNRTime" value="15" />
    <Property name="ChrominanceVariance" value="113" />
    <Property name="ColorCalibrationKitVersion" value="1" />
    <Property name="ComputerName" value="BECKTOR" />
    <Property name="DaysSinceCalibration" value="0" />
    <Property name="DistributorID" value="11" />
    <Property name="DongleNumber" value="1463509418" />
    <Property name="Transcode_EKID" value="1" />
    <Property name="FusedDiff" value="-1" />
    <Property name="HighResSubscanCount" value="0" />
    <Property name="NormContrast" value="-1" />
    <Property name="ParamContrast" value="8.75259675950082716" />
    <Property name="PostProcessTime" value="190.306s" />
    <Property name="ScannerDisplayName" value="Color-P13 Shade" />
    <Property name="ScannerFirmware" value="1.3.2" />
    <Property name="ScannerRGBCalibrationAge" value="12.8305745717589" />
    <Property name="ScannerSerialNumber" value="t1503c13013b" />
    <Property name="ScanSource" value="TRIOS" />
    <Property name="ScanTime" value="00:04:17.2219900" />
    <Property name="SiteID" value="73906" />
    <Property name="SubscanCount" value="680" />
    <Property name="SupportsShadeMeasurement2" value="True" />
    <Property name="SurfaceArea" value="3389" />
    <Property name="TimeStampUTC" value="2015-03-31 07:27:58" />
    <Property name="SourceApp" value="TRIOS.exe#206342 - 2014-12-02 15:04:08 (build 14.05[NS]+OrthoAnalyzer.exe#Orthodontics 2013-1 (build 01.14" />

Try to save this data set in .obj or .ply format directly from your scanning software.

The file format is quite easy to decode, so implementing a reader for it would take probably only a couple of days.