DentalSegmentator failed to load the segmentation

Failed to load the segmentation.

Check the inference folder content C:\Users\Khateeb\AppData\Local\Temp\Slicer-iPdxkt\output

Operating system: windous 10
Slicer version:5.7 latest
Expected behavior:dentatl segmentator extension
Actual behavior:not working

SlicerDentalSegmentator developers, @Gauthier @Thibault_Pelletier, can you help with this issue?

Also see

Hi @karim_mamdouh,

Thank you for your interest in our extension.
Just a note : please avoid posting the same issue in different topics.

As mentioned in another topic, could you give us the log content when you experience this error?

The logs can be found by pressing the (i) button next to the apply button
