DICOM Export Issue to Treatment Planning System

Operating system: Windows
Slicer version: 4.11.20200930
Expected behavior: I am trying to export a virtual phantom as a DICOM image set as to be read in by a treatment planning system, specifically RayStation. I am exporting as “Int” output and with a Rescale Intercept of 0 and Rescale Slope of 1.

Actual behavior: When I try to import the DICOM series into RayStation I get the following error: #707 2.16.840.1.114362.1.11843457.24057291391.599878543.576.8207 CT: Rescale Type (0028,1054) failed IsAnyOf validation

#708 Error while importing CT: If the Rescale Type attribute is defined it must be HU (Hounsfield unit) [CT image module]

at RaySearch.CorePlatform.Dicom.ImportExport.DicomInterface.DicomErrorHandler.FatalError(String format, Object[] args)

at RaySearch.CorePlatform.Presentation.Actions.ImportExport.DicomSeriesImportAction.Import_(IList`1 iods)

at RaySearch.CorePlatform.Presentation.Actions.ImportExport.DicomSeriesImportAction.DoWork_()

Are there export options I need to change to work around this issue?

Thanks for reporting this. As far as I remember, this issue has been fixed a while ago. Please let us know if I there are problems with images exported by the latest Slicer Preview Release.

Thank you for your reply, for some reason the current download for the preview version of Slicer for windows is just an empty zip file. I did however update to the newest stable version of slicer and tried again but this time I got the following error:

#3767 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1.90325020486013685008757661786594524 CT: Bits Allocated (0028,0100) failed IsAnyOf validation (occurences: 2)
#3768 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1.90325020486013685008757661786594524 CT: Bits Stored (0028,0101) failed IsAnyOf validation
#3769 Error while importing CT: The attribute Bits Allocated must have the value 16. [Image pixel]

at RaySearch.CorePlatform.Dicom.ImportExport.DicomInterface.DicomErrorHandler.FatalError(String format, Object[] args)
at RaySearch.CorePlatform.Presentation.Actions.ImportExport.DicomSeriesImportAction.Import_(IList`1 iods)
at RaySearch.CorePlatform.Presentation.Actions.ImportExport.DicomSeriesImportAction.DoWork_()

I’m a bit confused on this error but even more so about all of the export options, namely what output type I should be using, for this trial I used “Int”.

Looks like last nights Preview build on Windows didn’t upload correctly. You can use the one from the day before by using the following download link


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