I am needing some help please with a MRI spinal scan. I wish to convert the DICOM files into a usable format within solidworks.If it is an Assembly its not an issue, i can break it down by reverse eng. But this is converting aspect from the medical file is out my knowledge base, esp as its not my back ground excuse any punt, its not intended.
After looking in various places…trying to do the obvious i ended up here. I heard slice has a way, even if its stl for 3d printing which may be handy later.
I need to be able to generate a 3d solid part so i can build the spine to complete a model only of that section of the spine or what was scanned. A stl i should be able to reverse in solidworks or atleast look at the model 1st generated. So any pointers are welcome please.
Rendering tip
LAST OF ALL…for those using nvidia GPU…new drivers are out and combine create/studio/gaming/ this is important for those who intended rendering and 3d sculpter work esp in super HD work. Its worth the read on nividias driver pages as its makes GPU performance better.10% in my case.
With RTX make sure you allow the sound driver or it may cause issues esp if you game on the same card. Its known to cause crashing.