Draw specific dimension

Hello all,
How can I draw two specific dimension on CT image? Could you please give me some advice? Thank you very much.

Tough not exactly what you are showing, you can use the ‘Scissors’ tool of Segment Editor to get close to your picture. Choose Fill inside/ Circle/ Centered/ Symmetric (1.0 mm) to draw a circular segment. You won’t be able to specify an arbitrary diameter numerically.

For more precise drawing, have a look at vtkDiskSource. Of course, a new interactive tool should be created if you want to draw with the mouse, or even if you want to specify a center with a fiducial point and a radius with a slider.

Since such a tool does not already exist, it’s usefulness in Slicer’s realm is probably questionable.


Various markups exist for simple measurements such as “Line” for linear measurement, “Angle” for measuring degrees and others for area measurements such as “Closed Curve” and “ROI”, but there is not a markup for creating circles to then get radius values.



For any measurement types that are not supported already by an existing markup, you can create your own custom markup by a little Python scripting. The idea is that you use markups to position models. You can add an observer to the markup so that if a control point position is changed then you get notified and you update the model.

There are a few simple examples in the script repository, as this. There is a more complex example here:

I would recommend using a vtkSphereSource for drawing a circle because then you don’t need to worry about orientation.

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Thank you very much for your suggestion.

Thank you very much for your guidance. It was very useful, and now I did it.

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Thank you very much for your suggestion.

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