DTI Nifti data import via DWI Convert Module

I’ve seen something similar when DWIConvert loaded a NIfTI with the wrong ITK reader. It could also happen if the strides are wrong because the expected image/slice count doesn’t match the predicted image count based on the header, for some reason.

However, I’m surprised to see a coronal view in the “red” slice viewer, because that is axial by default. Did you change it to coronal? If not, perhaps that is an indication that the orientations are not being interpreted correctly. Was your data acquired as coronal slices?

I can take a look if you are able to share some (anonymized) data. If you prefer to share directly rather than publicly, please share to inorton at partners dot org from dropbox/onedrive/etc.

EDIT: also, if you share data, please indicate what software was used to convert it