DWI Convert: .Nifti to .nrrd gives extremely small file size, unable to run in UKF Tractography

Operating system: iMac
Slicer version: 4.10.2
Expected behavior: DWI Nifti file with 54 different diffusion-sensitizing gradient directions would convert to .nrrd and generate a file size similar to the sample data online (42 directions, 85MB) and run smoothly in UKF Tractography like the sample dataset.
Actual behavior: DWI Nifti file with 54 different diffusion-sensitizing gradient directions generates a .nrrd file of 4.5MB and gives error when run in UKF Tractography (error: libc++abi.dylib: terminating). Strangely, my converted .nifti to .nrrd file of 4.5MB runs smoothly in other tractography modules, but not the UKF module.

Is it normal to have such a small .nrrd file size or could it be losing info during convert to .nrrd?

If you have DICOM please use the dcm2nii module instead to get nrrd.

What other error text appeared before that last error?