Once a segmentation sequence is created, is it possible to apply a threshold or other segmentation effects to all frames. Not frame by frame…
Yes, but you need to write a few-line Python script for this, which iterates through the sequence. You should be able to find everything what you need in the script repository. If you cannot figure out something then feel free to ask here.
If users will start to ask for some segmentation sequence editing operations then we may create Segment Editor effects or modules with a GUI to implement them. However, we have been only getting a few one-off requests.
Dear Iassoan, does this kind of functions has been implemented in any modules?
I tried the TotalSegmentator module, it seemed support the sequence segmentations, but the installing of other packages takes too much time because of network. Finally I can not check it.
Just a bump. Would also be nice to be able to change the color of a segment for the complete sequence. Now only for one timepoint. FYI, the colorize volume works great with sequences.