Error in SUV computation

I’m trying to compute SUV values for my FET-PET images, however it throws the following error:

Geometric issues were found with 1 of the series. Please use caution.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\kated\AppData\Local\NA-MIC\Slicer 4.11.20210226\lib\Slicer-4.11\qt-scripted-modules\DICOMLib\", line 678, in getLoadablesFromFileLists
    loadablesByPlugin[plugin] = plugin.examine(fileLists)
  File "C:/Users/kated/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 4.11.20210226/NA-MIC/Extensions-29738/PETDICOMExtension/lib/Slicer-4.11/qt-scripted-modules/", line 127, in examine
    rwvmFile = self.generateRWVMforFileList(fileList)
  File "C:/Users/kated/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 4.11.20210226/NA-MIC/Extensions-29738/PETDICOMExtension/lib/Slicer-4.11/qt-scripted-modules/", line 169, in generateRWVMforFileList
    raise RuntimeError("SUVFactorCalculator CLI did not complete cleanly")
RuntimeError: SUVFactorCalculator CLI did not complete cleanly
DICOM Plugin failed: SUVFactorCalculator CLI did not complete cleanly
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\kated\AppData\Local\NA-MIC\Slicer 4.11.20210226\lib\Slicer-4.11\qt-scripted-modules\DICOMLib\", line 678, in getLoadablesFromFileLists
    loadablesByPlugin[plugin] = plugin.examine(fileLists)
  File "C:/Users/kated/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 4.11.20210226/NA-MIC/Extensions-29738/PETDICOMExtension/lib/Slicer-4.11/qt-scripted-modules/", line 127, in examine
    rwvmFile = self.generateRWVMforFileList(fileList)
  File "C:/Users/kated/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 4.11.20210226/NA-MIC/Extensions-29738/PETDICOMExtension/lib/Slicer-4.11/qt-scripted-modules/", line 169, in generateRWVMforFileList
    raise RuntimeError("SUVFactorCalculator CLI did not complete cleanly")
RuntimeError: SUVFactorCalculator CLI did not complete cleanly
DICOM Plugin failed: SUVFactorCalculator CLI did not complete cleanly

This issue seemed similar to Unnamed Series as a Scalar Volume - #4 by lassoan
Here, the advice was to check that certain values in the metadata we’re not ruined by anonimization.
However, I can’t find the following attributes in my metadata: injectedDose, patientWeight, , injectionTime, radionuclideHalfLife. I was wondering what I’m doing wrong here?

I obtain the metadata by right-clicking on the patient file → “View metadata”. The metadata looks as follows:

[0008,0005]	SpecificCharacterSet	ISO_IR 100	CS	10
[0008,0008]	ImageType	[2] ORIGINAL, PRIMARY	CS	16
[0008,0016]	SOPClassUID	1.2.840.10008.	UI	28
[0008,0018]	SOPInstanceUID	UI	16
[0008,0020]	StudyDate	20120327	DA	8
[0008,0021]	SeriesDate	20120327	DA	8
[0008,0022]	AcquisitionDate	20120327	DA	8
[0008,0023]	ContentDate	20120327	DA	8
[0008,0030]	StudyTime	125233.525000	TM	14
[0008,0031]	SeriesTime	131012.000000	TM	14
[0008,0032]	AcquisitionTime	133012.000000	TM	14
[0008,0033]	ContentTime	135930.000000	TM	14
[0008,0050]	AccessionNumber	A4766GLIMAS	SH	12
[0008,0060]	Modality	PT	CS	2
[0008,0070]	Manufacturer	Manu	LO	4
[0008,0080]	InstitutionName	Institute of Radiology	LO	22
[0008,0081]	InstitutionAddress	Dept of Radiology	ST	18
[0008,0090]	ReferringPhysicianName		PN	0
[0008,0092]	ReferringPhysicianAddress		ST	0
[0008,1010]	StationName	TOESTEL	SH	8
[0008,1030]	StudyDescription	TheStudy	LO	8
[0008,103e]	SeriesDescription	FET Brain Corr Sum 20-40 UHD	LO	28
[0008,1050]	PerformingPhysicianName		PN	0
[0008,1060]	NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy		PN	0
[0008,1070]	OperatorsName		PN	0
[0008,1090]	ManufacturerModelName	model	LO	6
[0008,1110]	ReferencedStudySequence		SQ	98
	[fffe,e000]	Item		na	82
		[0008,1150]	ReferencedSOPClassUID	1.2.840.10008.	UI	24
		[0008,1155]	ReferencedSOPInstanceUID	UI	42
[0008,1120]	ReferencedPatientSequence		SQ	114
	[fffe,e000]	Item		na	98
		[0008,1150]	ReferencedSOPClassUID	1.2.840.10008.	UI	24
		[0008,1155]	ReferencedSOPInstanceUID	UI	58
[0008,1250]	RelatedSeriesSequence		SQ	392
	[fffe,e000]	Item		na	376
		[0020,000d]	StudyInstanceUID	UI	42
		[0020,000e]	SeriesInstanceUID	UI	56
		[0040,a170]	PurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence		SQ	246
			[fffe,e000]	Item		na	100
				[0008,0100]	CodeValue	122401	SH	6
				[0008,0102]	CodingSchemeDesignator	DCM	SH	4
				[0008,0104]	CodeMeaning	Same Anatomy	LO	12
				[0008,0105]	MappingResource	DCMR	CS	4
				[0008,0106]	ContextGroupVersion	20030619000000.000000	DT	22
				[0008,010f]	ContextIdentifier	7210	CS	4
			[fffe,e000]	Item		na	114
				[0008,0100]	CodeValue	122403	SH	6
				[0008,0102]	CodingSchemeDesignator	DCM	SH	4
				[0008,0104]	CodeMeaning	For Attenuation Correction	LO	26
				[0008,0105]	MappingResource	DCMR	CS	4
				[0008,0106]	ContextGroupVersion	20030619000000.000000	DT	22
				[0008,010f]	ContextIdentifier	7210	CS	4
[0010,0010]	PatientName	PGLIMAS0001	PN	12
[0010,0020]	PatientID	PGLIMAS0001	LO	12
[0010,0021]	IssuerOfPatientID	UNKNOWN	LO	8
[0010,0030]	PatientBirthDate	19570119	DA	8
[0010,0032]	PatientBirthTime	000000.000000	TM	14
[0010,0040]	PatientSex	M	CS	2
[0010,1000]	RETIRED_OtherPatientIDs	""	LO	2
[0010,1001]	OtherPatientNames	""	PN	2
[0010,1080]	MilitaryRank	""	LO	2
[0010,21b0]	AdditionalPatientHistory	""	LT	2
[0018,0022]	ScanOptions	TEST	CS	4
[0018,0050]	SliceThickness	3	DS	2
[0018,1000]	DeviceSerialNumber	31082	LO	6
[0018,1020]	SoftwareVersions	TEST	LO	4
[0018,1181]	CollimatorType	NONE	CS	4
[0018,1200]	DateOfLastCalibration	[2] 20210512, 20210414	DA	18
[0018,1201]	TimeOfLastCalibration	[2] 063000.000000, 120434.000000	TM	28
[0018,1210]	ConvolutionKernel	XYZ Gauss2.00	SH	14
[0018,1242]	ActualFrameDuration	1200000	IS	8
[0018,1250]	ReceiveCoilName	Test	SH	4
[0018,5100]	PatientPosition	HFS	CS	4
[0020,000d]	StudyInstanceUID	UI	42
[0020,000e]	SeriesInstanceUID	UI	56
[0020,0010]	StudyID	00000	SH	6
[0020,0011]	SeriesNumber	10	IS	2
[0020,0012]	AcquisitionNumber	2001	IS	4
[0020,0013]	InstanceNumber	1	IS	2
[0020,0032]	ImagePositionPatient	[3] -202.237, -400.857, -394.5	DS	24
[0020,0037]	ImageOrientationPatient	[6] 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0	DS	12
[0020,0052]	FrameOfReferenceUID	UI	56
[0020,1040]	PositionReferenceIndicator		LO	0
[0020,1041]	SliceLocation	-394.5	DS	6
[0020,4000]	ImageComments	Frame 1 of 1^AC CT Brain  3.0  J30f	LT	36
[0028,0002]	SamplesPerPixel	1	US	2
[0028,0004]	PhotometricInterpretation	MONOCHROME2	CS	12
[0028,0010]	Rows	400	US	2
[0028,0011]	Columns	400	US	2
[0028,0030]	PixelSpacing	[2] 1.01821, 1.01821	DS	16
[0028,0051]	CorrectedImage	[6] NORM, DTIM, ATTN, SCAT, DECY, RAN	CS	28
[0028,0100]	BitsAllocated	16	US	2
[0028,0101]	BitsStored	16	US	2
[0028,0102]	HighBit	15	US	2
[0028,0103]	PixelRepresentation	0	US	2
[0028,0106]	SmallestImagePixelValue	0	US	2
[0028,0107]	LargestImagePixelValue	65535	US	2
[0028,1050]	WindowCenter	224	DS	4
[0028,1051]	WindowWidth	448	DS	4
[0028,1052]	RescaleIntercept	0	DS	2
[0028,1053]	RescaleSlope	0.00684244	DS	10
[0028,1054]	RescaleType	BQML	LO	4
[0032,000a]	RETIRED_StudyStatusID	COMPLETED	CS	10
[0032,000c]	RETIRED_StudyPriorityID	NORMAL	CS	6
[0032,1030]	RETIRED_ReasonForStudy	""	LO	2
[0032,1032]	RequestingPhysician		PN	0
[0032,1033]	RequestingService		LO	0
[0032,1060]	RequestedProcedureDescription	""	LO	2
[0032,4000]	RETIRED_StudyComments	""	LT	2
[0038,0300]	CurrentPatientLocation	Home	LO	4
[0040,0009]	ScheduledProcedureStepID	"         "	SH	12
[0040,0253]	PerformedProcedureStepID	""	SH	2
[0040,0254]	PerformedProcedureStepDescription	""	LO	2
[0040,1001]	RequestedProcedureID	"         "	SH	12
[0054,0013]	EnergyWindowRangeSequence		SQ	40
	[fffe,e000]	Item		na	24
		[0054,0014]	EnergyWindowLowerLimit	435	DS	4
		[0054,0015]	EnergyWindowUpperLimit	650	DS	4
[0054,0016]	RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence		SQ	420
	[fffe,e000]	Item		na	404
		[0018,0031]	Radiopharmaceutical	Fluorethyltyrosin	LO	18
		[0018,1072]	RadiopharmaceuticalStartTime	131001.000000	TM	14
		[0018,1074]	RadionuclideTotalDose	206000000	DS	10
		[0018,1075]	RadionuclideHalfLife	6586.2	DS	6
		[0018,1076]	RadionuclidePositronFraction	0.9673	DS	6
		[0018,1078]	RadiopharmaceuticalStartDateTime	20210512131001.000000	DT	22
		[0054,0300]	RadionuclideCodeSequence		SQ	118
			[fffe,e000]	Item		na	102
				[0008,0100]	CodeValue	C-111A1	SH	8
				[0008,0102]	CodingSchemeDesignator	SRT	SH	4
				[0008,0104]	CodeMeaning	^18^Fluorine	LO	12
				[0008,0105]	MappingResource	DCMR	CS	4
				[0008,0106]	ContextGroupVersion	20070625000000.000000	DT	22
				[0008,010f]	ContextIdentifier	4020	CS	4
		[0054,0304]	RadiopharmaceuticalCodeSequence		SQ	130
			[fffe,e000]	Item		na	114
				[0008,0100]	CodeValue	C-B07E0	SH	8
				[0008,0102]	CodingSchemeDesignator	SRT	SH	4
				[0008,0104]	CodeMeaning	Fluorethyltyrosin F^18^	LO	24
				[0008,0105]	MappingResource	DCMR	CS	4
				[0008,0106]	ContextGroupVersion	20070625000000.000000	DT	22
				[0008,010f]	ContextIdentifier	4021	CS	4
[0054,0081]	NumberOfSlices	74	US	2
[0054,0101]	NumberOfTimeSlices	1	US	2
[0054,0410]	PatientOrientationCodeSequence		SQ	244
	[fffe,e000]	Item		na	228
		[0008,0100]	CodeValue	F-10450	SH	8
		[0008,0102]	CodingSchemeDesignator	99SDM	SH	6
		[0008,0104]	CodeMeaning	recumbent	LO	10
		[0008,0105]	MappingResource	DCMR	CS	4
		[0008,0106]	ContextGroupVersion	20020904000000.000000	DT	22
		[0008,010f]	ContextIdentifier	19	CS	2
		[0054,0412]	PatientOrientationModifierCodeSequence		SQ	112
			[fffe,e000]	Item		na	96
				[0008,0100]	CodeValue	F-10340	SH	8
				[0008,0102]	CodingSchemeDesignator	99SDM	SH	6
				[0008,0104]	CodeMeaning	supine	LO	6
				[0008,0105]	MappingResource	DCMR	CS	4
				[0008,0106]	ContextGroupVersion	20020904000000.000000	DT	22
				[0008,010f]	ContextIdentifier	20	CS	2
[0054,0414]	PatientGantryRelationshipCodeSequence		SQ	116
	[fffe,e000]	Item		na	100
		[0008,0100]	CodeValue	F-10470	SH	8
		[0008,0102]	CodingSchemeDesignator	99SDM	SH	6
		[0008,0104]	CodeMeaning	headfirst	LO	10
		[0008,0105]	MappingResource	DCMR	CS	4
		[0008,0106]	ContextGroupVersion	20020904000000.000000	DT	22
		[0008,010f]	ContextIdentifier	21	CS	2
[0054,1000]	SeriesType	[2] DYNAMIC, IMAGE	CS	14
[0054,1001]	Units	BQML	CS	4
[0054,1002]	CountsSource	EMISSION	CS	8
[0054,1100]	RandomsCorrectionMethod	DLYD	CS	4
[0054,1101]	AttenuationCorrectionMethod	measured,AC CT Brain  3.0  J30f	LO	32
[0054,1102]	DecayCorrection	START	CS	6
[0054,1103]	ReconstructionMethod	PSF+TOF 5i21s	LO	14
[0054,1105]	ScatterCorrectionMethod	Model-based, relative scatter scaling	LO	38
[0054,1200]	AxialAcceptance	49	DS	2
[0054,1201]	AxialMash	[2] 5, 6	IS	4
[0054,1300]	FrameReferenceTime	1793686.2979257	DS	16
[0054,1321]	DecayFactor	1.20777	DS	8
[0054,1322]	DoseCalibrationFactor	33010000	DS	8
[0054,1323]	ScatterFractionFactor	0.257761	DS	8
[0054,1330]	ImageIndex	1	US	2
[7fe0,0010]	PixelData	0000	OW	320000

This is just a warning. Details about it are found in the application log. It is probably not the reason for the SUV computation to fail.

Check out the application log if you find more information about why the SUV calculation fails.

Dear lassoan, the message showing up in the error log is the following:

Found CommandLine Module, target is  C:/Users/kated/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 4.11.20210226/NA-MIC/Extensions-29738/PETDICOMExtension/lib/Slicer-4.11/cli-modules/SUVFactorCalculator.exe
ModuleType: CommandLineModule
SUV Factor Calculator command line: 

C:/Users/kated/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 4.11.20210226/NA-MIC/Extensions-29738/PETDICOMExtension/lib/Slicer-4.11/cli-modules/SUVFactorCalculator.exe --returnparameterfile C:/Users/kated/AppData/Local/Temp/Slicer/15932_4vQba3y7PA.params --petDICOMPath C:/Users/kated/Jupyter/ThesisData/DCM_Files/PGLIMAS0009_20211214_111127221 --petSeriesInstanceUID --rwvmDICOMPath C:/Users/kated/Jupyter/ThesisData/DCM_Files/PGLIMAS0009_20211214_111127221 --seriesDescription PET SUV Factors --seriesNumber 1000 --instanceNumber "1" 

SUV Factor Calculator standard output:

saving numbers to C:/Users/kated/AppData/Local/Temp/Slicer/15932_4vQba3y7PA.params

But I can’t quite figure out what the error is from this?