Error loading new DICOM

Operating system: windows 10
Slicer version: 4.10.1
Expected behavior: Add dicom datas from MRI and create a 3D printable model
Actual behavior: Can’t add the datas into DICOM folder, if I import them into the “add data” folder I get each single slice instead of one single study and I canìt create an accurate 3d model

I also tried to use the Embodi3D app Democratiz 3D but this time it failed saying that my " NRRD file originated from an MRI. Currently, we only process NRRDs from CT scans." and “You tried to process individual slices instead of a complete study.”

Thank you for your help, this work is really important to me and I’d love to fix the problem quite soon.

DICOM data should be imported using the File -> DICOM instead of File -> Add Data

To learn more about the DICOM support in Slicer, read

Yeah, I’m tryin’ to import DICOM data using the File -> DICOM (instead of File -> Add Data ) but it doesn’t work, nothing happens, it only says “0 patients added”

Also, to follow up, even after installing the suggested extensions LongitudinalPETCT, PETDICOMExtension and QuantitativeReporting, I was not able to load the dataset you shared privately with me.

For reference the pop initially reported was:


and the message reported after trying to load the dataset once the extensions are installed:

Dataset is missing necessary information (patient name, study instance UID, or patient ID)!
Dataset is missing necessary information (patient name, study instance UID, or patient ID)!

Thank you really much for tryin’ to help me, it’s appreciated. I’ll try to figure out something else…:frowning: