Export image series in different projections from .nii file

Hello dear experts. My English is very bad and therefore I am writing to you via google translate. I have a problem. How to get and save a series of photos from a .nii file from different projections in headless mode. I looked at the api for the built-in “Screen capture” module, but very likely it will not work as it just takes screenshots from the UI, which is simply absent in headless mode.

If you need to render, the easiest is to provide a virtual desktop, which can be done with xvfb or with a containerized Slicer (see here or here for examples).

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Thank you for advice, but I’m interested in a solution without a virtual machine, where images are read and saved through a python script.

Up post, pls help. I’m interested in a solution without a virtual machine, where images are read and saved through a python script.