Extension for Vessel Segmentation

Hey there!

I just came across this excellent post:

This is exactly what I need!! I would really like to develop an extension combining all those steps. Is this possible? I just started reading about developing own modules/extensions and trying some things. I would like to make vessel segmentation easier for people who aren’t familiar with 3DSlicer.

Thanks for your help!

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I would recommend these tutorials for learning how to create custom modules to automate the vessel filtering method: https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/Training#PerkLab.27s_Slicer_bootcamp_training_materials

Thanks for this helpful link!

I think I’m a bit more familiar with Slicer extensions by now. I created a new scripted module in Python using the Extension Wizard and I figured out how to design the user interface and how this kind of extension is working in general.
So, to start with an easier project, I’m trying the following:

  • work on a chosen input volume
  • use threshold (IsoData) to create a segment
  • split segment into islands
  • chose resulting segment(s) and export as stl
    (This is already working well for vessel-segmentation with high-contrast MRI.)

Anyway, I still don’t know how to use the Segment Editor functionality in my own extension. Is there an easy way? I still have problems understanding the slicer module hierarchy…

Thanks for your help!

See examples here: Documentation/Nightly/ScriptRepository - Slicer Wiki

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