Fetal MRI fly-through

Operating system:MacOS 10.11
Slicer version:4.8.1
Expected behavior:
Actual behavior:

Is this an error report? Please provide more details.

HI Andras:

Sorry, if I placed it wrong. I am a newcomer to slicer3D world. My interest is primarily in fetal MRI to reconstruct and .obj file for fly through studies. I am learning a great deal with sli8cer3D capabilities. It was not meant as “bug report”.

My another interest is in T2 maping of tissue. I am looking for a “extension” module for slicer to do T2mapping, if you know of any.

Greatly appreciate your help!

Anil N. Shetty, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
TCH Pavilion for Women
6651 Main Street, Suite 1020-04
Houston, TX 77030

832-826-7312 (Off)
832-825-9351 (Fax)

To create fly-through videos you probably need to segment your data set first (see segmentation tutorials) and then use Endoscopy module to define a fly path.

See this thread: T2 Map Multi-volume related questions - #5 by brhoom

Thank you, Andras:

Can you suggest “Extension module” for T2mapping?


Anil N. Shetty, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
TCH Pavilion for Women
6651 Main Street, Suite 1020-04
Houston, TX 77030

832-826-7312 (Off)
832-825-9351 (Fax)

Yes. See this thread: T2 Map Multi-volume related questions - #5 by brhoom