Function for surface registration

Operating system: Windows
Slicer version: 4.8

I have patient data in CT Dicom space and I am capturing points in tracker space on patient. So I need to register the patient in tracker space (with captured points) to the CT Dicom space. I couldn’t find the function for this type of registration (surface points in tracker space to model in Dicom space). Could you please advise if there is already such function?

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Can I use SlicerIGT ‘Fiducials-model Registration’ for it?

Usually you register the patient using landmark-based registration, using Fiducial registration wizard module (in SlicerIGT extension). In special cases, when you cannot identify landmarks clearly then you may follow up on that with a surface-to-pointset registration, using Fiducials-Model registration module. See detailed step-by-step tutorials at SlicerIGT user training page.


Got it and thanks a lot for the quick reply.

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