Operating system: win 10
Slicer version: 4.11.0 (nightly build)
Expected behavior: input the fixed and moving volume to obtain a transformed volume and a transform matrix
Actual behavior: the transformed volume would not be aligned with the fixed volume (in Elastix module using the generic preset). I’ve also tried tuning the parameters using the BRAINS module, but it doesn’t seem to like to rotate much, despite increasing the maximum step length and decreasing the transform scale.
I am certain that the two volumes overlap because the moving volume is a cropped and rotated version of the fixed volume. I am applying the modules to try and recover the transform.
In summary, my first question is am I using the modules wrong?
Second question: can I recover the affine transform matrix when using the elastix module? Currently the transform file size is 2G for a 500x500x500 pixel volume… it seems too big for a 3x4 affine transform matrix.
Thank you in advance!