After generating a surface via " vtkMarchingCube " from 3d volume file, I would like to write binary format output files ( point.bin and index.bin), which mean, instead of using " vtkPolyDataWriter " to generate “*.vtk” file.
I don’t think VTK can write meshes in .bin file format (I’ve never even heard of this bin file format before). You can save in various other file formats (stl, ply, obj, …) instead, which most software should be able to read. If you really need these bin files then you should be able to find free mesh converter software that can generate those from stl/ply/obj.
As I mentioned, I’m looking for a way, to use the surface generated by vtkMarchingCubes, in order to get binary files represents the mesh, but others then vtk format.
which means instead of getting vtk
stl, ply, obj, vtk, vtp files all store point positions and point indexes (for defining cells), so you should be able to use any of these file formats. What software do you use for further processing of this exported data?