Hanging protocol for displaying PET/CT images

Is is possible to add on a feature that saves a user’s preferred modality-specific viewing settings. I view PET/CT images regularly and it would be great to be able to have my view settings saved so I’m always viewing PET with PET-Heat in 0-20SUV, then CT in CT Abdomen Window without having to adjust this every single time I load a new case. Having custom view settings for a given user where it loads up the same way each time would be great!

Thanks for the suggestion. A task-specific view setup, so called “hanging protocol” is indeed a useful feature. In Slicer, currently hanging protocols must be specified in Python.

For example, if you copy-paste this code snippet into the Pyhon console or into the Slicer startup file (.slicerrc.py) then a PET/CT hanging protocol can be applied by using the Ctrl+9 keyboard shortcut.

Defining hanging protocol in a Python script has the advantage that it is possible to set very sophisticated image display set selection criteria, visualization options, even any kind of pre-processing, registration, etc.

However, it is not easy to create hanging protocols and distribute them to users. It would be also nice to be able to load/save hanging protocols from/to DICOM (see IOD and some slides) or some JSON description (see for example OHIF).