How does the crosshair tool work on different series?

Since I have 3 series, each of which has a high quality view and the other two low quality views, I display in 3D slicer the three best resolution planes chosen from the 3 series.
If I crosshair and select a point in a plane, will it cause other Slice Viewers to scroll to the same position? Even if these come from 3 different series?

Yes, the crosshair makes slice views jump to the same physical position.

The 3 orthogonal MRI series are usually reconstructed at the same time and they are accurately aligned in physical space, so everything should nicely line up.

Even if the 3 series have a different slice thickness?

Yes. Slicer performs all vísualization and processing in physical space, so it can work seamlessly with images with different origin, spacing, and axis directions.

Thanks! I have an other question…Why ImageDimensions are not the same in Volumes module and in metadata? It seems that 3D slicer defaults to 512x512 for all the series.

(0027,1060) and (0027,1061) are just some GE private fields. They are not needed for image reconstruction. Number of pixels in a slice are stored in standard fields (0028,0010) and (0028,0011).

So if I have ImageDimension(0028,0010 and 0028,0011) of 512x512 and PixelSpacing (0028,0030) of 0.4688x0.4688, the real size of my image will be 240.0256 mm x 240.0256 mm. Correct?

Yes, that’s correct.