Hi, I’m new to 3D Slicer. I’d like to know how the mhd metadata would affect the image rendered in 3D Slicer. To my knowledge, 3D Slicer uses RAS coordinate system. And in mhd file, we can specify AnatomicalOrientation and TransformMatrix to define relation between (i, j, k) and RAS coordinate system. But I’m not so sure about how they interact with each other. My questions include:
(1) Does the TransformationMatrix specify rotation between (i,j,k) and the RAS coordinate?
(2) What’s the effect of different AnatomicalOrientation in 3D Slicer? In an mhd file, I’ve manually switched between LPS, RAI, RAS for the same raw data, but the rendered image, and the IJKtoRAS Direction Matrix remains the same.