Import of registration DICOM files

Hi everyone,
I am now using Slicer 4.11.0 and I wonder if I could export deformable transform (to mim) using “DICOM Registration Export”. Besides, I have a (deformable) warp which was modified and I wonder if I can import to Slicer and then convert to DICOM format? The warp (.txt) is shown below. Your help is highly appreciated!


We’re expecting deformable SRO export to be available very soon, there is just a final piece missing from the implementation. You can track progress here:
Once you see that the ticket is closed, download a nightly Slicer, install SlicerRT and try exporting the deformable transform.

Thanks for the patience!


Thanks for your reply. I have downloaded the most recently nightly Slicer (Slicer 4.11.0-2019-05-19) but I still can’t export the deformable transform (done in “General Registration (BRAINS)” module)? I have succeeded in exporting linear transform and got the SRO (.dcm) which I could import to mim software as REG. Is there any wrong with my Slicer version? Your help is highly appreciated.


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