I am new to 3D Slicer and want to work on Segmentation of 2D-time-Series. I have multiple Dicom Studies where the same slice is captured in CT at multiple (>100) time steps, varying from 60s to 3s per step. When I import the Dicom files into Slicer, the order of the time steps is completely random and i cannot scroll through time steps but through dimension z in steps of 1 mm. I have played with various settings in the Dicom Setup and used different plugins (scalar, volume, multivolume) but I cannot get the import to work correctly. The only workaround I found is to export the slices in .tiff and import as data, but I would like to keep the Dicom file format. All other Dicom viewer i tried are automatically importing the files in the right order.
I am working with Slicer 5.7.0 on Linux and Mac.
I would appreciate any help and tips to get a correct import of the files.
Thanks in advance and greeting!
edit: I get this warning when importing the Dicom files
9: Key Images [Scalar Volume]: Image slices are not equally spaced (0 spacing was expected, 39.9219 spacing was found between files /home/…/…/…/CT000371 and …/…/…/…/CT000341). Slicer will apply a transform to this series trying to regularize the volume. Please use caution.