Increase Width of segments after TotalSegmentor autosegmentation

Hi all,

I am brand new to 3D Slicer and am using it on MRIs. I have just started learning to use totalsegmentor to automatically segment muscles, its going okay but so far there are segments I need to increase or decrease the width of across all of the slices.

From what I gather I can use the scissors tool to handle decreasing width across all slices at once but I am confused on how I can increase the width of certain segments. I tried to use the paint tool but it only does one slice at a time, can anyone point me in the right direction?

Much appreciated, complete rookie here.

The Margin tool would allow you to grow a segment uniformly in all directions (in 3D). If that isn’t what you want, some screen shots and some more description of what you are trying to accomplish would be helpful.

Hello, thank you for your answer! I tried the margin tool on the MRI I have open and it says “Not feasible at current resolution,” any tips or am I using it wrong?

Re: picture—this is an example, inside the red outline is what I am getting right now and I want to expand the boundries to the blue outline.

Margin does the trick, for anyone wondering how to resolve “not feasible” problem, check this out:

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