Hi there,
I was trying to install pyradiomics by the command line ‘conda install -c radiomics pyradiomics’. However, it reported:
- pyradiomics -> python[version=’>=2.7,<2.8.0a0|>=3.7,<3.8.0a0|>=3.6,<3.7.0a0|>=3.5,<3.6.0a0|>=3.4,<3.5.0a0’]
Your python: python=3.8
Then I create another env with python =3.7, it reported Specifications:
- pyradiomics -> python[version=’>=3.8,<3.9.0a0’]
Your python: python=3.7
Besides, it also reported that The following specifications were found to be incompatible with your CUDA driver:
- feature:/win-64::__cuda==10.2=0
- feature:|@/win-64::__cuda==10.2=0
Your installed CUDA driver is: 10.2
I also tried python3.5 but it reported same error as 3.7. Does anyone know which python version do I need?
For the error about cuda version, I didn’t read on the intro of pyradiomics required specific cuda version, is that related to the failure of instllment as well? Thanks for helping!!