why the red intersection line is shorter than the others?
can i use some code to make the red intersection line as long as others?
why the red intersection line is shorter than the others?
The slice intersection length is the size of the field of view (it will change size as you zoom in and out). Maybe you want the basic crosshair instead.
thank you pieper , i change the field of view from 256 default to 128 or change 256 default to 512 ,like the picture below
Recently, we have also encountered this problem.
Our customers have asked to spread these three wires all over the window.
We can replace this through crosshair, but croosshair does not support rotation.
In the old version, we also need to operate together through shortcut keys and mouse.
Do you have a way to spread the three wires of MPR all over the window directly?
we have rebuilt the source code of slicer
thank you.
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