Issue during loading sequence of jpg files

Hi, I’m trying to load sequence of jpg files using this guide:

Unfortunately nothing shows up in data module. Naming convention is: Transverse_00001.jpg (number of leading 0’s decreases as image index increases eg. Transverse_00001.jpg, Transverse_00010.jpg and so on.)

I launched slicer in verbose mode. Here is log:

Exception from vtkITK MegaMacro: 
itk::InvalidRequestedRegionError (0x51bf4d0)
Location: "unknown" 
File: /work/Preview/Slicer-0-build/ITKv4/Modules/IO/ImageBase/include/itkImageFileReader.hxx
Line: 350
Description: ImageIO returns IO region that does not fully contain the requested regionRequested region: ImageRegion (0x7ffc70063b40)
  Dimension: 3
  Index: [0, 0, 0]
  Size: [708, 759, 1]
StreamableRegion region: ImageRegion (0x7ffc70063b00)
  Dimension: 3
  Index: [0, 0, 0]
  Size: [623, 708, 1]

Algorithm vtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesVectorReaderSeries(0x47ffd40) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (0x53523e0)
  Debug: Off
  Modified Time: 420830
  Reference Count: 1
  Registered Events: (none)

UpdateFromSeries: Unsupported number of components: 1 != 3

ReadData: This is not a nrrd file

ReadData: Cannot read file as a volume of type DiffusionTensorVolume[fullName = /home/maciek/VHP2/Transverse_00000.jpg]
	Number of files listed in the node = 0.
	File reader says it was able to read 768 files.
	File reader used the archetype file name of /home/maciek/VHP2/Transverse_00000.jpg [reader 0th file name = /home/maciek/VHP2/Transverse_00000.jpg]

ReadData: This is not a nrrd file

ReadData: Cannot read file as a volume of type VectorVolume[fullName = /home/maciek/VHP2/Transverse_00000.jpg]
	Number of files listed in the node = 0.
	File reader says it was able to read 768 files.
	File reader used the archetype file name of /home/maciek/VHP2/Transverse_00000.jpg [reader 0th file name = /home/maciek/VHP2/Transverse_00000.jpg]

ReadData: Cannot read file as a volume of type Volume[fullName = /home/maciek/VHP2/Transverse_00000.jpg]
	Number of files listed in the node = 0.
	File reader says it was able to read 768 files.
	File reader used the archetype file name of /home/maciek/VHP2/Transverse_00000.jpg [reader 0th file name = /home/maciek/VHP2/Transverse_00000.jpg]

All the images must have the same size (number of rows and columns).

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Thank you so much. It was the case.

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