Issue while starting the MONAILabel server

Problem report for Slicer 5.0.3 win-amd64: [please describe expected and actual behavior]
While initializing the server an error message -
[2022-10-22 12:03:10,941] [2356] [MainThread] [INFO] (uvicorn.error:59) - Application startup complete.
[2022-10-22 12:03:11,013] [2356] [MainThread] [INFO] (uvicorn.error:206) - Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

I am able to grow seeds, while training the model or auto segmentation of model the software stops responding.
uvicorn version - 0.17.6
Earlier I was using the latest version available.
The issue persiste with both the servers

Looks like you are asking about MONAI Label. Probably better to post to the project-specific discussion page.

It seems I am facing the same problem with the server.

. Running on my own pc (Windows 11)
. 3D Slicer installed with MonaiLabel plug-in working
. Tryed Anaconda, Python 3.11 and Visual Studio Code as an interface
. Followed precisely all tutorials from Andres Pinto and the server remains not working
. Tried to mix my personal IP with the Port :8000 and the error remains

Could you please help me?

Natacha Valador